도전 원전 (영한대역성구)

도전 11편 242장 용기에게 의통 기운을 붙여 주심

상생문화1 | 2024.03.29 01:21 | 조회 290
용기에게 의통 기운을 붙여 주심
1절태모님께서 신도를 다스려 치병할 일이 있으면 주로 용기를 찾으시고 의통 기운을 붙여 주시며 “너, ○○에 가 봐라.” 하시거늘
2절용기가 태모님께서 명하신 곳에 가 보면 반드시 그 집에 치병할 환자가 있더라.
3절이때 용기가 신도가 열려 병자의 조상 선령신을 다 보고 또 어떤 신명조화로 병을 앓게 되었는지 환히 알게 되거늘
4절상제님과 수부님 전에 치성을 올린 후 환부에 손을 대고 주문을 읽으면 모든 병자들이 즉시 나아 일어나므로 사람들이 용기를 ‘신인’이라 부르니라.
용기가 치병하러 다닐 때
5절용기는 아픈 사람이 있다는 말을 들으면 밤낮을 가리지 않고 어디든지 달려가거늘
6절병자의 집에 도착하면 치병하기 전에 반드시 먼저 병자로 하여금 음식을 마련하여 치성을 올리게 하는데
7절혹 병자가 가난하여 제수를 마련하기 어려우면 자기 주머니를 털어 치성비를 대주고
8절누구에게도 일절 사례금을 받지 않으며 없는 사람들 병 고치는 데 열성을 다하니라.

Taemonim Attaches to Yong-gi the Qi of Enlightenment into Healing

1When the need arose to conduct a healing by resolving a matter with spirits, Taemonim usually summoned Yong-gi and attached to his person the qi of enlightenment into healing, then dispatched him to visit a certain place.2When Yong-gi reached the destination commanded by Taemonim, the house invariably had a sick person requiring healing.

3During such visits, Yong-gi’s spiritual eye would open, and he would behold the ancestral spirits of the sick person and clearly understand how they had become ill through a particular trespassing of spirits.4After offering a chiseong before the altar of Sangjenim and Taemonim, Yong-gi would chant mantras while placing his hands on the ill person’s diseased parts. The sick would then instantly recover and rise to their feet. Thus, people called Yong-gi a divine person.

Yong-gi’s Healing of People

5Whenever Yong-gi learned of any sick person, he dashed off to whatever their location without a care as to whether it was daytime or nighttime.6When he arrived at the house of the sick, he always had the ill person prepare food and offer a chiseong before the healing was undertaken.7If the sick were too poor to prepare a food offering, Yong-gi emptied his own pockets and provided the money for the chiseong preparations.8He devoted himself wholeheartedly to healing people, never accepting compensation from anyone.

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도전 원전 (영한대역성구)
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