도전 원전 (영한대역성구)

도전 11편 36장 박중빈의 상제님 신앙과 도통 공부

상생문화1 | 2024.02.23 00:42 | 조회 847
박중빈의 상제님 신앙과 도통 공부
1절성도들이 영모재에서 도통 공부를 시작한 지 얼마 후 박중빈(朴重彬)도 그 자리에 참석하거늘
2절중빈은 일찍이 태인과 정읍 등지를 돌아다니며 엿장수 생활을 하다가 당숙(堂叔)인 박공우로부터 상제님의 말씀을 여러 차례 전해 듣고
3절태모님의 대흥리 도장 시절부터 상제님을 돈독하게 신앙하고 금산사 미륵전을 오가며 참배하니라.
4절이때 중빈이 문득 교단을 차려야겠다는 생각이 들어 도통 공부를 하기로 작정하고 방법을 찾던 중
5절하루는 ‘상제님을 모시던 성도 몇 사람이 통사동 재실에 모여 수도 공부를 한다.’는 소식을 듣고 공우에게 간절히 청하여 그 자리에 참석한 것이더라.
6절그러나 뜻밖에 광찬의 광기로 인하여 성도들이 모두 흩어져 돌아가매 중빈도 뜻을 이루지 못하고 돌아가니라.

Bak Jung-bin’s Belief in Sangjenim and His Pursuit of Seeking Enlightenment

1Soon after the disciples had begun their meditation at the Yi ancestral memorial offering ritual house, Bak Jung-bin joined the gathering.

2In his earlier days, Jung-bin had earned his living by peddling rice taffy in Taein, Jeongeup, and other counties. During that time, he was taught of Sangjenim’s teachings on several occasions by one of his father’s cousins, Bak Gong-u.3Jung-bin later believed faithfully in Sangjenim beginning in the days of Taemonim’s Daeheung-ri Dojang, and he often traveled to the Maitreya Shrine of Geumsansa Temple and there offered prostrations and prayers.

4During this period, Jung-bin was suddenly seized with the notion of founding a dao order, so he resolved to pursue meditation to attain enlightenment and thus sought a proper method,5until he one day heard the news that “Several disciples who had served Sangjenim have gathered at the Yi ancestral memorial offering ritual house in Tongsa-dong Village and are immersed in meditation.” And so, he sincerely sought Gong-u’s support and was then able to join the meditation gathering.6However, when Gwang-chan’s unexpected bout of madness eventually forced the disciples to disperse and return to their homes, Jung-bin could not achieve his aspiration and could only return home as well.

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