도전 원전 (영한대역성구)

도전 1편 43장 전봉준이 고부에서 혁명을 일으킴

상생문화1 | 2023.02.21 02:20 | 조회 5295

  • 전명숙이 고부에서 혁명을 일으킴
  • 갑오(甲午 : 道紀 24, 1894)년에 태인 동골 사람 전명숙(全明淑)이 보국안민(輔國安民)이라는 기치를 내걸고 동학 신도들을 모아 고부에서 난을 일으키니 온 세상이 들끓으니라.
  • 일찍이 전명숙은 신묘(辛卯 : 道紀 21, 1891)년부터 3년간 서울을 오르내리며 흥선대원군을 만난 일이 있더니
  • 대원군이 명숙의 뜻을 물은즉 “제 흉중(胸中)에 품은 뜻은 나라와 백성을 위하여 한 번 죽고자 하는 마음뿐이오.” 하고 대답하니라.
  • 거사를 만류하심
  • 증산께서 명숙과 나이 차이는 많이 나나 일찍부터 교분이 있으시더니
  • 갑오년에 하루는 명숙이 찾아와 말하기를 “내가 민생을 위해서 한번 거사를 하려 하니 그대가 나를 도와주시오.” 하거늘
  • 증산께서 그 전도가 이롭지 못함을 미리 아시고 “때가 아니니 나서지 말라.” 하시며
  • 성사도 안 되고 애매한 백성만 많이 죽을 것이라.” 하고 경계하시니라.
  • 이에 명숙이 대하여 말하기를 “그대가 안 된다면 나 혼자라도 하겠소.” 하고 물러가니라.
  • 혁명의 대세를 지켜보심
  • 혁명이란 깊은 한(恨)을 안고 일어나는 역사의 대지진인즉, 동방 조선 민중의 만고의 원한이 불거져 터져 나온 동학혁명으로부터 천하의 대란이 동하게 되니라.
  • 10 증산께서 후천개벽을 알리는 이 큰 난의 대세를 지켜보고 계셨으니, 이 때 증산은 성수 스물넷이요 명숙은 마흔 살의 백의한사(白衣寒士)더라.
  • 11 개벽의 새 시대를 알린 이 혁명은 갑오년 정월과 3월, 9월 세 차례에 걸쳐 일어나니라.
  • Jeon Myeong-suk Starts a Revolution in Gobu County

    1In 1894 (DG 24), Jeon Myeong-suk from Donggol Village in Taein County gathered the Eastern Learning adherents under the slogan “Uphold the nation and bring comfort to the people” and initiated an uprising in Gobu County. Soon, the entire country entered into a state of upheaval.

    2Prior to this, since 1891 (DG 21), Jeon Myeong-suk had journeyed to Seoul and met with the king’s father, Heungseon Daewongun, on many occasions over a period of three years. 3When the Daewongun had asked Myeong-suk about his aspirations, Myeong-suk had answered, “The sole desire that I harbor in my heart is to die for my country and its people.”

    Jeung-san Counsels Against Myeong-suk’s Uprising

    4Despite the great age difference, Jeung-san had been an acquaintance of Myeong-suk for many years. 5In 1894, Myeong-suk one day came before Jeung-san and said, “I intend to initiate an uprising for the well-being of the common folk, so I am asking for your support.”

    6“The time is not opportune, so do not go forward with your intent,” said Jeung-san, foreknowing that the ensuing course of this uprising would be disastrous. Jeung-san warned him, 7“Your endeavor will not succeed, and countless innocent people will be slain.”

    8In reply, Myeong-suk declared, “If you will not support me, I will undertake it alone.” Myeong-suk then took his leave.

    Observing the Grand Tides of the Revolution

    9A revolution is a vast earthquake of history that erupts from the deep grief and suffering of the masses. The Eastern Learning Revolution, in which the Joseon people’s deep-seated bitterness and grief erupted, sparked massive upheavals worldwide.

    10At this time, Jeung-san was observing the grand tides of this momentous upheaval, which heralded the Later Heaven Gaebyeok. Jeung-san was twenty-four years of age, and Myeong-suk was forty years of age, an impoverished scholar without station.

    11This revolution, which manifested as three uprisings in January, March, and September of 1894, heralded the dawning of the new age of gaebyeok.

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도전 원전 (영한대역성구)
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