도전 원전 (영한대역성구)

도전 1편 7장 미륵불의 동방 조선 강세의 길을 연 진표 대성사

상생문화1 | 2023.02.17 06:56 | 조회 4865
  • 미륵불의 동방 조선 강세의 길을 연 진표 대성사
  • 동방 조선 땅의 도솔천 천주님 신앙은 진표율사(眞表律師)로부터 영글어 민중 신앙으로 자리 잡은 것이라.
  • 진표는 12세 때 부모의 출가 허락을 받고 김제(金堤) 금산사(金山寺)의 숭제법사(崇濟法師)로부터 사미계(沙彌戒)를 받으니라.
  • 법사가 진표에게 가르쳐 말하기를 “너는 이 계법을 가지고 미륵님 앞으로 가서 간절히 법을 구하고 참회하여 친히 미륵님의 계법을 받아 세상에 널리 전하라.” 하매
  • 이로부터 진표가 미륵님에게 직접 법을 구하여 대도를 펴리라는 큰 뜻을 품고 전국의 명산을 찾아다니며 도를 닦더니
  • 27세 되는 경자(庚子, 760)년 신라 경덕왕 19년에 전북 부안 변산에 있는 부사의방장(不思議方丈)에 들어가 미륵불상 앞에서 일심으로 계법을 구하니라.
  • 그러나 3년의 세월이 흘러도 수기(授記)를 얻지 못하자 죽을 결심으로 바위 아래로 몸을 던지니
  • 그 순간 번갯빛처럼 나타난 푸른 옷을 입은 동자가 살며시 손으로 받들어 바위 위에 놓고 사라지더라.
  • 이에 큰 용기를 얻어 서원을 세우고 21일을 기약하여 생사를 걸고 더욱 분발하니
  • 망신참법(亡身懺法)으로 온몸을 돌로 두들기며 간절히 참회하매 3일 만에 손과 팔이 부러져 떨어지고 온몸이 피투성이가 되거늘
  • 10 7일째 되던 날 밤 지장보살이 손에 금장(金杖)을 흔들며 와서 진표를 가호하니 곧 회복되니라.
  • 잘하는구나, 대장부여!
  • 11 21일 공부를 마치던 날 천안(天眼)이 열리어 미륵불께서 수많은 도솔천의 백성들을 거느리고 대광명 속에서 오시는 모습을 보니라.
  • 12 미륵불께서 진표의 이마를 어루만지며 말씀하시기를 “잘하는구나대장부여! 이처럼 계(戒)를 구하다니. 신명(身命)을 아끼지 않고 간절히 구해 참회하는구나. 내가 한 손가락을 튕겨 수미산(須彌山)을 무너뜨릴 수 있으나 네 마음은 불퇴전(不退轉)이로다.” 하고 찬탄하시니라.
  • 13 이 때 미륵불께서 점찰경(占察經) 두 권과 증과간자(證果簡子) 189개를 진표에게 내려 주시며 말씀하시기를
  • 14 “너는 이것으로써 법을 세상에 전하여 남을 구제하는 뗏목으로 삼으라. 이 뒤에 너는 이 몸을 버리고 대국왕(大國王)의 몸을 받아 도솔천에 태어나리라.” 하시고 하늘로 사라지시니라.
  • 15 원각(圓覺) 대도통을 한 뒤, 닥쳐올 천지 대개벽의 환란을 내다본 진표 대성사(大聖師)는
  • 16 온 우주의 구원의 부처이신 미륵천주께서 동방의 이 땅에 강세해 주실 것을 지극정성으로 기원하니
  • 17 이로부터 ‘밑 없는 시루를 걸어 놓고 그 위에 불상을 세우라.’는 계시를 받고 4년에 걸쳐 금산사에 미륵전을 완공하니라.
  • 18 이 뒤에 진표는 미륵불의 삼회설법의 구원 정신을 받들어 모악산 금산사를 제1도장, 금강산 발연사를 제2도장, 속리산 길상사를 제3도장으로 정하고 용화도장을 열어
  • 19 미륵존불의 용화세계에 태어나기 위해 십선업(十善業)을 행하라는 미륵신앙의 기틀을 다지고 천상 도솔천으로 올라가니라.
  • Sacred Venerable Jin-pyo Opens the Way for Maitreya Buddha’s Incarnation into the Eastern Land, Joseon

    1Faith in Maitreya Buddha, the Lord of Tushita Heaven, became the faith of the populace in the Eastern land, Joseon, due to the efforts of Precept Master Jin-pyo.

    2When he was twelve, Jin-pyo received permission from his parents to become a Buddhist monk. While studying at Geumsansa Temple in Gimje County, he was given the Precepts for Buddhist Acolytes by Dharma Master Sung-je. 3Sung-je instructed Jin-pyo, “Observe these precepts that I now give you, then go before Maitreya Buddha and seek his dharma with sincere devotion and repentance. Receive Maitreya’s precepts directly from him, and teach them to the world.”

    4Henceforth, determined to receive Maitreya’s dharma directly from Maitreya himself and spread his supreme dao, Jin-pyo visited all the renowned mountains of Joseon in a quest to attain dao.

    5In the nineteenth year of the reign of King Gyeong-deok of Silla (760 CE), at the age of twenty-seven, Jin-pyo journeyed to Buan County and secluded himself in the Chamber of No Thought and Speech, located on one of Byeonsan Mountain’s cliffs. There, he sat before a Maitreya statue and, filled with single-minded determination, sought Maitreya’s precepts.

    6Three years of resolute meditation passed, yet Jin-pyo received not a single sign that he would be enlightened, so he decided to end his life and hurled himself from the cliff. 7At that moment, a boy clad in blue suddenly appeared, and this boy gently caught Jin-pyo, softly set him on a rock, and disappeared.

    8Profoundly encouraged, Jin-pyo reaffirmed his vow to attain the dharma of Maitreya and gave himself twenty-one more days, intensifying his meditation with life-and-death determination. 9Dedicating himself to the meditation method of ‘tormenting the body in repentance,’ Jin-pyo began to beat his entire body with a stone in deep repentance. By the third day, his hand and arm had broken off, and his whole body had become soaked in blood. 10On the night of the seventh day, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva appeared before Jin-pyo, waving his golden staff, and tended to the monk, whose battered body soon became restored.

    Intrepid Man, You Have Done Well

    11On the last of Jin-pyo’s twenty-one days of renewed meditation, his heavenly eye opened and he beheld Maitreya Buddha amidst divine resplendence, leading a procession of myriad beings of Tushita Heaven. 12Maitreya Buddha gently stroked Jin-pyo’s forehead and praised him, “Intrepid man, you have done well! Oh how you have sought my precepts! You have sincerely repented all your sins without regard for your own life. I can topple Sumisan Mountain with a flick of my finger, but your mind is of an indomitable resolve that never reverts!” 13Maitreya then conferred upon Jin-pyo two volumes entitled Sutra of Divination for Examining the Karmic Consequences of Good and Evil Actions and 189 bamboo strips for understanding one’s karmic state, 14bidding him, “Use these to teach my dharma to the world—use them as a raft of deliverance to save multitudes. You will eventually abandon this body and be reborn in Tushita Heaven as the king of the Great Nation.” After issuing this proclamation, Maitreya Buddha disappeared into heaven.

    15After he attained perfect enlightenment, Sacred Venerable Jin-pyo had a vision of the arrival of the epochal cataclysm of heaven and earth’s gaebyeok16He prayed with fervent devotion that the Buddha of Salvation for all of the universe, the Heavenly Lord Maitreya Buddha, would incarnate into the Eastern land, Joseon.

    17Eventually, Jin-pyo received a commandment from heaven: “Erect a Maitreya statue atop a siru.” Over the ensuing four years, he completed construction of the Maitreya Shrine at Geumsansa Temple.

    18In accordance with the principle that humanity would be delivered through the three stages of transmitting Maitreya Buddha’s dharma, Jin-pyo established three temples. He started by rebuilding Geumsansa Temple of Moaksan Mountain, then he constructed Baryeonsa Temple of Geumgangsan Mountain, and finally he rebuilt Gilsangsa Temple of Songnisan Mountain.

    19Having laid the foundation of Maitreya faith—that one must adhere to the ten benevolent deeds for rebirth into the Dragon Flower Paradise of Holy Maitreya Buddha—Jin-pyo ascended to Tushita Heaven.

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도전 원전 (영한대역성구)
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