도전 원전 (영한대역성구)

도전 11편 131장 조종리 도장에서 치성을 모실 때

상생문화1 | 2024.03.11 01:05 | 조회 738
조종리 도장에서 치성을 모실 때
1절태모님께서 조종리에 계실 때 큰 치성이 있으면 경상도, 전라도, 충청도 등 전국 각지에서 많은 신도들이 모여들거늘
2절건넛마을 원조(元祖)에서 보면 흰 도포에 큰 갓을 쓰고 길을 따라 일렬로 걸어오는 신도들의 모습이 마치 빨랫줄에 흰 빨래를 나란히 걸어 놓은 듯하더라.
3절이렇게 치성에 참석한 신도가 많을 때는 수백 명이나 되니 임시 변소를 수십 개씩 짓고
4절신도들은 도장 뒷산에 가마니를 깔고 앉아 치성을 기다리니 조종리 일대를 하얗게 덮을 정도더라.
5절이때 주로 경상도에서 오는 신도들이 치성에 바칠 황소를 몰고 오거늘
6절쇠짚신을 신은 소가 먼 길을 걸어서 오느라 다리를 절뚝거리더라.
7절소가 들어오면 도장 뒷산의 소나무에 매어 두었다가 잡아서 제수(祭需)로 쓰는데
8절어느 때는 이것도 모자라 조종리 근방에서 개, 닭, 돼지도 여러 마리씩 사들이니라.
9절또 치성을 준비할 때는 대문 입구에 금(禁)줄을 치고 마당에 차일(遮日)을 친 다음 자리를 깔아 그 위에 제단을 쌓고 병풍을 세워 신위를 모시며
10절대문 양쪽에는 등(燈) 두 개를 달고 장정 두 사람이 대문을 지키며 출입을 금하니
11절아무나 함부로 출입하지 못하고 고민환만이 자유로 출입하면서 태모님의 명을 받들어 치성 준비를 감독하니라.
12절이렇게 하여 치성이 시작되면 시종 엄숙한 가운데 진행하거늘 시천주주와 태을주를 비롯하여 여러 주문을 읽는데
13절태모님께서는 신도(神道)가 내리매 주송은 하지 않으시고 묵송을 하시니라.
14절신도들이 치성을 마치고 돌아갈 때는 마당에 깔아 놓은 멍석에서 지역별로 수십 명씩 모여 한꺼번에 절을 하고 물러나거늘
15절태모님께서 노고를 치하하시며 손을 들어 답례하시니 신도들은 이것을 영광으로 알고 돌아가니라.

Offering Chiseongs at the Jojong-ri Dojang

1During Taemonim’s residence in Jojong-ri Village, whenever there was a major chiseong, numerous followers gathered from Gyeongsang-do, Jeolla-do, and Chungcheong-do provinces and from various other regions throughout the country.2Seen from the central quarter of the village, the procession of followers clad in large gats and white robes traveling along the road into the village seemed like a close-packed row of white clothes hung on a clothesline.

3When the number of chiseong participants was large, it reached into the hundreds, and scores of makeshift outhouses had to be built.4The followers awaiting the chiseong sat on large straw sacks on the mountain behind the dojang, and it appeared as though vast areas of Jojong-ri Village were covered in white.

5On such occasions, followers coming from Gyeongsang-do Province usually brought the bull that was to be offered for the chiseong,6and the bull, clad in straw hoof-wrappings, was hobbled from walking such a long distance.7When the bull reached the village, it was tied to a pine tree on the mountain behind the dojang until it was slaughtered and prepared as food offering.8At those times when the bull was not sufficient, many dogs, chickens, and pigs were purchased from the areas surrounding Jojong-ri Village.

9When chiseong preparations were underway, a straw rope was hung across the main gate to prohibit passage and a canopy was raised in the yard. Under the canopy was laid out a mat upon which an altar was erected and behind the altar was raised a folding screen, followed by the placement of the spirit tablets.10A lamp was hung on each of the two doors of the main gate, which was guarded by two strong young men who prohibited passage. 11Hence, no one could access the main gate, save for Go Min-hwan, who passed through it freely while overseeing the chiseong preparations in carrying out Taemonim’s orders.

12It was under such circumstances that the chiseong would be offered with utmost solemnity from beginning to end, and various mantras, including the Sicheonjuju Mantra and the Taeeulju Mantra, would be chanted. 13When spiritual inspiration descended upon Taemonim, She did not chant the mantras aloud, only silently.

14When the followers readied themselves for their departure after the chiseong, scores of them, according to their regions, would gather on the mat laid out in the yard and offer their prostrations to Taemonim as one, then withdraw. 15Taemonim would commend their great efforts and raise Her hand in answer to their prostrations, which the followers felt to be an honor, and then they would set out for their homes.

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도전 원전 (영한대역성구)
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