도전 원전 (영한대역성구)

도전 1편 1장 삼신상제님

상생문화1 | 2022.12.27 01:24 | 조회 5237
  • 동방 한민족의 신교와 삼신상제님
  • 태시(太始)에 하늘과 땅이 ‘문득’ 열리니라.
  • 홀연히 열린 우주의 대광명 가운데 삼신이 계시니, 삼신(三神)은 곧 일신(一神)이요 우주의 조화성신(造化聖神)이니라.
  • 삼신께서 천지만물을 낳으시니라.
  • 이 삼신과 하나 되어 천상의 호천금궐(昊天金闕)에서 온 우주를 다스리시는 하느님을 동방의 땅에 살아온 조선의 백성들은 아득한 예로부터 삼신상제(三神上帝), 삼신하느님상제님이라 불러 왔나니
  • 상제는 온 우주의 주재자요 통치자 하느님이니라.
  • 동방의 조선은 본래 신교(神敎)의 종주국으로 상제님과 천지신명을 함께 받들어 온, 인류 제사 문화의 본고향이니라.
  • 한민족은 환국-배달-조선의 삼성조시대가 지난 후 열국시대 이래 중국 한족(漢族)과 일본에 의한 상고(上古) 역사의 왜곡으로 민족사의 뿌리가 단절되어 그 상처가 심히 깊더니
  • 상제님께서 원시반본(原始返本)의 도(道)로써 인류 역사의 뿌리를 바로잡고 병든 천지를 개벽(開闢)하여 인간과 신명을 구원하시기 위해 이 땅에 인간으로 강세하시니라.
  • 상제님께서 세상에 내보내신 석가, 예수, 공자를 비롯한 성자와 철인들이 상제님의 강세를 미리 알렸으니 이러하니라.
The Advent of Jeung-san Sangjenim
Samsin Sangjenim and Spirit Teaching

1At the great beginning, heaven and earth came into being. 2Amidst the glorious resplendence of the sudden opening of the universe was Samsin. Samsin is the One Spirit, the universe’s Holy Spirit of Creation-Transformation.

3Samsin gave birth to heaven and earth and begets all that exist.

4Being one with Samsin, God governs all the universe from Heaven’s Golden Palace; and so it is that the people of Joseon, who have long dwelt in the Eastern land, have known him since ancient times as Samsin Sangjenim, Samsin God, or Sangjenim. 5Sangjenim is the Supreme Governor of the Universe and God the Ruler.

6Joseon of the East, the fountainhead and sovereign land of Spirit Teaching, has long worshiped Sangjenim and the spirits of heaven and earth. Joseon is the homeland of all the world’s traditions of offering rituals to the spirits.

7Despite this, beginning in the Several States Period that followed the Three Sacred Nations known as Hwanguk, Baedal, and Joseon, ancient historical roots have been severed by the distortion of history by China’s Han people and by Japan, causing profound and widespread suffering.

8Sangjenim incarnated as a human into the land of Joseon to deliver humans and spirits by restoring the root of humanity’s history and by renewing heaven and earth, which had grown diseased, through the dao of seeking out the beginning and returning to the origin. 9It was his incarnation that had been heralded by Shakyamuni, Jesus, Confucius, and myriad other sages and awakened ones whom he had sent to the world.

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도전 원전 (영한대역성구)
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