도전 원전 (영한대역성구)

도전 11편 49장 대속하시어 목포 경찰서에 구속되심

상생문화1 | 2024.02.26 00:37 | 조회 945
대속하시어 목포 경찰서에 구속되심
1절정사년에 경석이 유람을 떠난 후 대흥리 차경석의 교단에서 연이어 불미스런 일이 일어나므로 관할 경찰서에서 밤낮을 가리지 않고 감시하는데
2절무오년 동짓달에 제주 신도 문인택(文仁宅)이 성금 10만여 원을 면화 포대 속에 감추어 가지고 나오다가 목포항에서 발각되매
3절차윤칠을 비롯한 방주 18명이 체포되어 목포 경찰서에서 혹독한 고문을 당하거늘
4절이때 경석의 교단에서 이상호(李祥昊)가 사건 해결의 담당자로 나서서 모든 책임을 태모님께 떠넘기니라.
5절이에 25일 정오쯤에 순사들이 태모님을 체포하려고 조종리로 찾아와 사성에게 태모님 계신 곳을 물으니
6절응칠이 태모님께 달려와 이 사실을 아뢰며 걱정하여 말하기를 “반드시 화(禍)가 있을 듯하오니 잠깐 피하시옵소서.” 하매
7절태모님께서 말씀하시기를 “내가 이미 알고 있노라. 그러나 이번에 내가 순하게 받아야 뒷일이 없을지니 피하는 것이 불가하니라.” 하시고
8절즉시 소멸음해부(消滅陰害符)에 해마주(解魔呪)를 적어 불사르신 다음 태연히 앉아 계시니라.
9절얼마 후 순사들이 응칠의 집으로 들어와 태모님의 행방을 찾으므로 태모님께서 순사들을 불러오게 하시어 몇 마디 말씀을 나누신 뒤에 응칠과 함께 정읍 경찰서로 연행되시니라.
10절태모님께서 응칠과 함께 정읍 경찰서에서 하룻밤을 지내시고 이튿날 목포 경찰서에 이송되어 심문을 받으시되 별다른 증거가 없는지라
11절응칠은 섣달 12일에 석방되고, 태모님께서는 38일 만인 그 이듬해 기미(己未:道紀 49, 1919)년 정월 초사흗날에 석방되시니라.
12절이로부터 태모님께서 농사에 마음을 두시고 몇 년 동안 한가로이 지내실 뿐이더라.

On Behalf of Others, Taemonim Is Detained by the Police

1After Gyeong-seok departed for his travels in 1917, a series of scandalous events beset Cha Gyeong-seok’s dao order in Daeheung-ri Village, and so the area police station kept surveillance on the dao order day and night.2During this period, in November 1918, Mun In-taek, a follower from Jejudo Island, was apprehended at Mokpo Port on his way to Daeheung-ri Village in possession of over one hundred thousand won of offering money collected from the followers on Jejudo Island, hidden in a cotton sack.3Consequently, eighteen senior organization officials, including Cha Yun-chil, were arrested and severely tortured at the police station in Mokpo.4At that time, Yi Sang-ho of Gyeong-seok’s dao order took the lead in resolving the incident and did so by blaming everything on Taemonim.

5On November 25, the police arrived in Jojong-ri Village near noon to arrest Taemonim and questioned Sa-seong about Taemonim’s whereabouts.6Alarmed, Eung-chil rushed to Taemonim and informed Her of this development with great apprehension, “There is certain to be trouble. Please enter into hiding for a time.”

7But Taemonim replied, “I already knew of the approaching police, but I must unreservedly accept what is now to occur to prevent repercussions. Hiding is out of the question.”8With this, Taemonim immediately wrote the Haemaju Mantra upon a talisman for extinguishing concealed enmity, burned the paper, then serenely sat waiting.

9Before long, the police entered Eung-chil’s house and demanded to know Taemonim’s whereabouts. She had the police summoned before Her, exchanged a few words with them, and then She and Eung-chil left with the police for the police station in Jeongeup County.

10Taemonim and Eung-chil spent the night at the Jeongeup Police Station. The next day, they were transferred to Mokpo Police Station, where they were held for questioning. 11But since there was no clear evidence of wrongdoing, Eung-chil was discharged on December 12 and Taemonim was released on January 3, 1919 (DG 49), after thirty-eight days of confinement.

12After this time, Taemonim devoted Herself to tending to Her crops and led a leisurely life for the next several years.

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