도전 원전 (영한대역성구)

도전 11편 356장 유교의 틀에 매인 상호와 성영을 꾸짖으심

상생문화1 | 2024.04.17 00:57 | 조회 154
유교의 틀에 매인 상호와 성영을 꾸짖으심
1절이상호와 이성영은 고루한 유교 의식의 틀에 매여 태모님의 신도 세계를 전혀 받아들이지 못하거늘
2절태모님께서 두 사람의 이런 심법을 들여다보시고 신도가 내릴 때마다 종종 “이놈, 저놈” 하시며 담뱃대로 때리시니
3절두 사람은 맞는 것이 두렵고 체면도 손상되매 태모님을 피해 다니려고만 하니라.
4절태모님께서 이상호 형제들의 이러한 행동을 지켜보시고 말씀하시기를 “못난 놈들이 못난 짓거리 한다.” 하시니라.
이상호 형제의 불의와 태모님의 고초
5절일찍이 두 사람이 태모님을 모신 의도는 ‘정통성을 확보하고 태모님의 신권을 바탕으로 교세를 확장하기 위함’이었으나
6절막상 모시고 보니 태모님께서 신도로써 행하시는 천지공사의 진행 방법과 언행이 단순한 무당짓으로만 여겨지거늘
7절두 사람이 ‘저런 경우가 어디 있냐? 저런 모습이 외부에 알려지면 교단의 품위가 떨어진다.’ 하여 태모님께서 거처하실 방을 따로 정하여 모시니
8절이는 겉으로는 태모님을 높이는 척하면서 실제로는 태모님의 행동반경과 출입을 제한하려는 것이더라.
9절태모님께서 용화동 신도들의 불의(不義)와 사욕으로 인해 감금에 가까운 생활을 하시면서
10절천하창생의 죄를 대속하시니 날이 갈수록 건강이 매우 쇠약해지시니라.

Sang-ho and Seong-yeong, Fettered by Confucian Views, Are Rebuked by Taemonim

1Fettered by antiquated Confucian views, Yi Sang-ho and Yi Seong-yeong were completely unable to accept Taemonim’s domain of spiritual authority.2Taemonim would peer into the mindset of these two men, and whenever She was struck by spiritual inspiration, She would exclaim, “What heels! Such heels!” and strike them with Her tobacco pipe.3The two men feared such blows, which also caused them to lose esteem, so they sought to avoid Taemonim.

4Observing such behavior from the Yi brothers, Taemonim said, “Such fools conduct themselves foolishly.”

The Unrighteousness of the Yi Brothers and Taemonim’s Hardship

5Initially, the two men’s goals in serving Taemonim were to secure their own legitimacy and to expand the following and influence of their dao order through Her spiritual authority.6But after they actually began serving Taemonim and viewed the means, methods, conduct, and words employed by Taemonim as She undertook the Work of Renewing of Heaven and Earth, the two of them viewed these as simple shamanistic acts even though Taemonim was acting in accordance with the way of spirits.7And so, the two men said, “Can this be? If the outside world ever saw this, the respectability of our dao order would plummet.” Afterward, they chose different quarters for Taemonim and served Her there.8On the surface, this had the appearance of honoring Taemonim. In actuality, however, this was intended to hamper the scope of Taemonim’s activities and Her comings and goings.

9Taemonim lived a life of near confinement due to the unrighteousness and selfish desires of the original followers of Yonghwa-dong Village.10As the days passed and She atoned for sins on behalf of humanity, Her health deteriorated all the more severely.

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도전 원전 (영한대역성구)
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