도전 원전 (영한대역성구)

도전 11편 247장 오성과 오성산신을 치하하심

상생문화1 | 2024.03.29 01:30 | 조회 277
오성과 오성산신을 치하하심
1절태모님께서 해마다 7월 칠석(七夕)치성을 성대히 봉행하시니 보통 3, 400명의 성도들이 참석하니라.
2절이해 칠석절에 태모님께서 치성을 봉행하신 후 성도들에게 명하시기를 “오성산에 공사가 있어 가리니 행장(行裝)을 준비하라.” 하시고
3절다음날 이근목, 강사성, 전준엽, 강원섭, 김내원, 고찬홍 등 성도 10여 명을 거느리고 출발하시어 옥구 고민환의 집에 거처를 정하시니라.
4절그날 밤 마당에 자리를 마련하여 동서남북과 중앙에 각기 등(燈)을 밝히시고 오성위(五聖位)와 산신위(山神位)를 설위하여 술상을 성대히 차리게 하신 다음
5절성도들로 하여금 진법주 삼칠독과 진액주 49독을 송주케 하시니라.
6절이어 태모님께서 술을 부어 산신에게 권하며 말씀하시기를 “천지의 무궁한 무극대도(無極大道)를 창건하는 역사(役事)에 협력하여 주니 고맙다.” 하시고
7절두어 시간 후에 전송하는 예(禮)를 행하시니라.

Taemonim Commends the Five Sages and the Mountain Spirit of Oseongsan Mountain

1Every year, Taemonim’s offering of the Chiseong of July 7 was marked by particular abundance, and three to four hundred followers usually attended.2After Taemonim had completed this year’s July 7 Chiseong, She commanded the disciples, “I shall go to Oseongsan Mountain to conduct a work of renewal there, so make the preparations.”

3The next day, Taemonim set out with over ten disciples, including Yi Geun-mok, Gahng Sa-seong, Jeon Jun-yeop, Gahng Won-seop, Gim Nae-won, and Go Chan-hong, and She chose to sojourn at Go Min-hwan’s house in Okgu County.

4That night, Taemonim had an area in the yard readied for an offering ritual, and She commanded a lamp lit in this area’s center and in each of its four directions. She then had a spirit tablet for the five sages and a spirit tablet for the mountain spirit positioned upon a table arrayed with an abundance of food and rice wine.5Thereafter, She had the disciples chant the Jinbeopju Mantra twenty-one times and the Jinaekju Mantra forty-nine times.

6Taemonim next poured rice wine and offered it to the mountain spirit, saying, “Thank you for cooperating in the great enterprise of pioneering heaven and earth’s boundless and eternal Supreme Dao of Mugeuk.”7About two hours later, She motioned decorously as if bidding someone farewell.

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도전 원전 (영한대역성구)
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