도전 원전 (영한대역성구)

도전 11편 207장 조직 개편과 조종리 강씨 신도들의 배신

상생문화1 | 2024.03.25 01:06 | 조회 307
조직 개편과 조종리 강씨 신도들의 배신
1절태모님을 조종리로 모시고 온 강씨 신도들은 대부분 감투욕과 권력욕에 젖어들어 자신의 공로를 내세우며 도통 욕심에 사로잡히거늘
2절태모님께서 몇 차례 주의를 주시고 잘못된 점을 바로잡게 하시되 개심(改心)의 기미가 보이지 않더라.
3절5월에 이르러 도장의 기운이 묵어 가는 것을 안타까워하신 태모님께서 간부 조직을 개편하시니
4절고민환을 내무(內務)로, 고찬홍을 외무(外務)로, 전준엽을 동방주로, 이근목을 남방주로, 강원섭을 서방주로, 강운서를 북방주로 임명하시니라.
5절이에 초창기 조종리 강씨 신도 중 강원섭과 강운서만이 사정방(四正方) 조직에 등용되매
6절강응칠과 강사성 등이 크게 불만을 품고 돌아가더니 그 후로 응칠은 아예 도장에 발길을 끊어 버리니라.
7절이로부터 강씨 신도들이 태모님께 불평을 늘어놓으며 고민환을 제거할 음모를 꾸미거늘
8절태모님께서 그 기미를 아시고 공사 보러 어디를 가실 때면 민환을 병풍 뒤에 숨겨 두고 나가시더니
9절그 뒤에 하루는 태모님께서 민환에게 이르시기를 “너는 여기 있지 말고 몸을 피하라.” 하시는지라
10절이에 민환이 밤을 틈타 고향 옥구로 돌아가니라.

Organizational Change, and Betrayal by the Gahng Disciples of Jojong-ri Village

1Most of the disciples with the surname Gahng, who had entreated Taemonim to reside in Jojong-ri Village, were so absorbed in their greed for position and power that they touted their contributions and were seized with a rapacious desire for enlightenment.2Consequently, Taemonim on several occasions counseled them with words of caution and instructed them to correct their reprehensible ways, yet they showed no sign of remorse or repentance.

3When May arrived, Taemonim—now deeply troubled by the festering within the dojang—changed its organizational leadership,4appointing Go Min-hwan as the head of the dojang’s internal affairs, Go Chan-hong as the head of external affairs, Jeon Jun-yeop as the principal of the east, Yi Geun-mok as the principal of the south, Gahng Won-seop as the principal of the west, and Gahng Un-seo as the principal of the north.

5Hence, among all the earliest Gahng disciples of Jojong-ri Village, only Gahng Won-seop and Gahng Un-seo were chosen as principals of the four directions.6Gahng Eung-chil and Gahng Sa-seong thus harbored deep discontentment and returned to their houses, and thereafter, Eung-chil ceased coming to the dojang altogether.

7From that time forth, the Gahng followers aired their discontentment before Taemonim and schemed to eliminate Go Min-hwan.8Taemonim was aware of this, and whenever She had to travel somewhere to conduct works of renewal, She hid Min-hwan behind a large folding screen before She departed.9A day eventually came when Taemonim warned Min-hwan, “Do not remain here; remove yourself.”10Min-hwan hence escaped under the cover of night and returned to his home in Okgu County.

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