도전 원전 (영한대역성구)

도전 3편 320장 조화옹 증산 상제님의 어용(御容)

상생문화1 | 2023.05.26 00:43 | 조회 4208
  • 조화옹 증산 상제님의 어용(御容)
    1절증산 상제님께서는 어용(御容)이 금산 미륵불(金山彌勒佛)과 흡사하시어
    2절용안(容顔)이 백옥처럼 희고 두루 원만하시며 양미간에 불표(佛表)의 큰 점이 있고 천안(天眼)은 샛별과 같이 반짝이시니라.
    3절또 목소리는 인경처럼 맑고 크시며 왼손바닥에 ‘북방 임(壬)’ 자와 오른손바닥에 ‘별 무(戊)’ 자 무늬가 있고
    4절등에는 붉은 점으로 뚜렷하게 북두칠성이 새겨져 있으며 발바닥에는 열세 개의 점이 선명하니라.
    5절머리카락은 유난히 검고 윤이 나며 턱과 양 귀밑에 용수(龍鬚)가 고아하게 나 있는데 평소에는 말려 있어 잘 보이지 않으나 세수하실 때면 양 귀밑으로 흘러 펼쳐지니라.
    6절용안과 의표는 상하좌우가 두루 원만(圓滿)하시어 전후가 반듯하게 균형을 이루시고
    7절머리부터 허리까지 마치 기둥을 세운 듯 반듯하시고 목은 절대 굽는 법이 없으시니 그 기상이 의연하시며, 걸어가시는 모습은 더할 수 없이 우아하시니라.
    8절또 아랫입술 안에 바둑돌만 한 붉은 점이 있는데 하루는 성도들에게 보여 주시며 말씀하시기를
    9절“금산 미륵은 붉은 여의주(如意珠)를 손에 들었으나 나는 입에 물었노라.” 하시니라.

    Sangjenim’s Appearance

    1Jeung-san Sangjenim’s countenance was the very vision of that of Maitreya Buddha of Geumsansa Temple.2His countenance was porcelain white with round and beatific features. He had a large birthmark between his eyebrows, the mark of a buddha, and his eyes twinkled like the Morning Star.3Sangjenim’s voice was as resonant as a magnificent bell. The lines on his left palm formed the character im (壬), and the lines on his right palm formed the character mu (戊). 4On his back were prominent red spots forming the pattern of the Seven Stars, and on the bottom of his feet were thirteen distinct spots.5His hair was jet-black and lustrous. Strands of hair curled discreetly under his ears and chin, but stretched out long and luxuriant below his ears when he washed.6His countenance and demeanor exuded an aura of serenity and poise.7His posture was as perfect as though a pillar ran from his head to his waist, his neck never bending and his presence radiating fortitude. His stride conveyed peerless majesty.

    8Sangjenim possessed a pronounced red spot as large as a baduk stone on the inside of his lower lip. He displayed this spot to the disciples on one occasion and declared,9“The Maitreya statue at Geumsansa Temple holds a red wish-fulfilling jewel in its hand, but I possess one in my mouth.”

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도전 원전 (영한대역성구)
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