도전 원전 (영한대역성구)

도전 11편 115장 미륵이 갱생함이라

상생문화1 | 2024.03.08 01:00 | 조회 753
미륵이 갱생함이라
1절이달 27일에 태모님께서 여러 성도들에게 명하시기를 “금산사(金山寺)에 일이 있어 가려 하니 준비하라.” 하시고
2절고민환, 박종오, 고찬홍, 강사성 등 열다섯 사람을 데리고 금산사에 들어가실 때
3절금산동문(金山洞門)을 지나시다가 문득 돌부처 앞에 이르시어 “귀신도 안 붙은 것을 여기다 무엇하러 세워 놓았냐.” 하시며 담뱃대로 머리를 딱 때리시니 돌부처의 머리가 뚝 떨어져 나가니라.
4절이어 돌무지개문을 지나 미륵전에 당도하시어 치성을 올리고 말씀하시기를 “이는 미륵(彌勒)이 갱생(更生)함이라.” 하시니라.
이 부처는 혼이 나갔으니
5절다시 대적광전(大寂光殿)으로 가시어 제물을 진설하시고 공사를 보실 때
6절비로자나불을 가리키시며 “이 부처는 혼(魂)이 나갔으니 밥을 주지 못하리라.” 하시고
7절담뱃대로 불단(佛壇)에 금을 그어 동서(東西)로 가르신 후에 동편불 앞에 있던 제물을 서편불 앞으로 옮기게 하시더니
8절담뱃대를 들어 천장을 가리키며 말씀하시기를 “법전(法殿)이 퇴락하였으니 이 집은 중수하여야 하리라.” 하시니라.
금산에 두 번 더 와야 하리라
9절공사를 마치시고 제물을 걷어서 돌아오실 때 성도들에게 일러 말씀하시기를 “이 뒤로 내가 금산(金山)에 두 번 더 와야 하리라.” 하시거늘
10절며칠 후에 대들보가 부러져 대적광전이 무너지매 비로자나불이 부서지니라.

There Shall Come the Rebirth of Maitreya

1On May 27, Taemonim commanded of many disciples, “I must address a matter at Geumsansa Temple, so make the preparations for the journey.”2Taemonim set out for the temple leading fifteen disciples, including Go Min-hwan, Bak Jong-o, Go Chan-hong, and Gahng Sa-seong.3As they were passing the entrance of Geumsan-dong Village, Taemonim suddenly went before the stone buddha statue that stood near the entrance and said, “Why has this statue been left standing here when its spirit has departed?” She then struck the head of the stone buddha statue with Her tobacco pipe, and the head snapped off and fell to the ground.

4Passing the Stone Rainbow Gate, Taemonim and the disciples arrived at the Maitreya Shrine. After offering a chiseong there, Taemonim declared, “There shall come the rebirth of Maitreya.”

This Buddha Statue Is Bereft of Its Spirit

5Afterward, Taemonim went to the Hall of Great Peace and Light, arrayed an offering of food, and conducted a work a renewal6during which She pointed to the Vairocana Buddha statue and said, “This buddha statue is bereft of its spirit, so there is to be no more food offerings.”7Using Her tobacco pipe, Taemonim drew upon the altar of buddha statues a line dividing east from west. Afterward, She had the food offering that was arrayed before the buddha statues on the eastern side instead set before the buddha statues on the western side.8Raising Her tobacco pipe and pointing to the ceiling, She declared, “The dharma hall is dilapidated, so this house must be repaired.”

I Must Return to Geumsansa Temple Two More Times

9After completing Her work of renewal, Taemonim had the food offering gathered up, and as She was returning to the dojang, She told the disciples, “I must return to Geumsansa Temple two more times.”10Several days later, a crossbeam snapped in the Hall of Great Peace and Light, causing the hall to collapse inward, destroying the Vairocana Buddha statue.

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도전 원전 (영한대역성구)
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