도전 원전 (영한대역성구)

도전 10편 97장 그 얼굴과 모습이 바뀌었더라

상생문화1 | 2024.02.13 00:57 | 조회 889
그 얼굴과 모습이 바뀌었더라
1절내성이 이렇게 태을주 공부에 일심하니 엉덩이가 짓물러 구멍이 나기를 수차례요, 입은 옷은 닳고 해져서 혼솔만 남을 지경이더라.
2절내성이 수행하는 동안 늙은 어머니가 날품을 팔아 내성을 바라지하는데
3절혹 일거리가 없어 끼닛거리가 떨어지면 동네 우물터에서 콩나물과 쌀알 등을 주워다가 죽을 끓이고 때로는 동냥으로 연명하기도 하니라.
4절또 추운 겨울날에는 이불이 없어, 단벌 치마를 벗어 냉방에서 공부하는 아들의 어깨를 덮어 주니
5절노모의 고생이 이루 말할 수 없이 험하고 그 살림이 매우 비참하더라.
6절내성이 3년의 공부 기한을 다 마치고 방을 나오던 날, 내성의 모친이 아들을 보니 전과 다르게 이목구비가 커지고 가슴도 여자 젖가슴처럼 부풀어 있더라.

Nae-seong’s Appearance Is Transformed

1Nae-seong was so steadfast in his Taeeulju Mantra meditation that he developed open sores on his buttocks numerous times. Eventually, his clothes became so threadbare that only the seams remained intact.

2During the period of Nae-seong’s meditation, his elderly mother took on menial work to provide for her son.3When such work was not available and they ran out of food, she went to the village well, collected bean sprouts and grains of rice that had fallen on the ground, and brought them home to prepare a gruel. To survive, she sometimes had to go begging.4Moreover, since they did not own any blanket, she removed her only skirt during the bitter cold of winter and draped it over the shoulders of her son, who continued to meditate in their unheated room.5The toil of this elderly mother was harrowing beyond description, and their lives were appallingly miserable.

6The last day of Nae-seong’s three-year meditation finally arrived. As Nae-seong rose and went forth from the room, his mother noticed that his facial features had become larger and that he had grown womanly breasts.

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도전 원전 (영한대역성구)
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