도전 원전 (영한대역성구)

도전 11편 19장 성령을 받으시고 대도통을 하심

상생문화1 | 2024.02.21 00:52 | 조회 946
성령을 받으시고 대도통을 하심
1절9월 20일 아침에 수부님께서 마당을 거니시다가 정신을 잃고 넘어지시니
2절집안사람들이 방안으로 떠메어다 눕히고 사지를 주무르되 소생하실 가망이 없으매 모두 둘러앉아 통곡하니라.
3절수부님께서 이렇게 네댓 시간을 혼절해 계시는 중에 문득 정신이 어지럽고 황홀한 가운데 큰 저울 같은 것이 공중으로부터 내려오는지라
4절자세히 보시니 오색 과실이 높이 괴어 있는데 가까이 내려와서는 갑자기 헐어져 쏟아지거늘
5절순간 놀라 깨어나시니 들어앉아 애통해하던 집안사람들이 모두 기뻐하니라.
후천 오만년 종통맥과 추수할 사람
6절이때 수부님께서 일어나 앉으시어 갑자기 상제님의 음성으로 경석에게 “누구냐?” 하고 물으시니 경석이 놀라며 “경석입니다.” 하거늘
7절또 “무슨 생이냐?” 하고 물으시니 경석이 “경진생(庚辰生)입니다.” 하고 대답하니라.
8절이에 말씀하시기를 “나도 경진생이라. 속담에 동갑 장사 이(利) 남는다 하나니 우리 두 사람이 동갑 장사 하자.” 하시고
9절다시 생일을 물으시니 경석이 “유월 초하루입니다.”하고 대답하거늘
10절말씀하시기를 “내 생일은 삼월 스무엿새라. 나는 낙종(落種) 물을 맡으리니 그대는 이종(移種) 물을 맡으라. 추수(秋收)할 사람은 다시 있느니라.” 하시니라.
11절이로부터 수부님께서 성령에 감응(感應)되시어 수부로서의 신권(神權)을 얻으시고 대권능을 자유로 쓰시며 신이(神異)한 기적과 명철(明哲)한 지혜를 나타내시니
12절천하창생의 태모(太母)로서 상제님 대도의 생명의 길을 열어 주시니라.
13절이로써 일찍이 상제님께서 “장차 천하 사람의 두목이 되리니 속히 도통하리라.” 하신 말씀이 응험(應驗)되니라.

Subunim’s Ultimate Enlightenment Inspired by Sangjenim’s Holy Spirit

1The following morning, on September 20, 1911, Subunim fainted while walking in the yard,2so the people of the household rushed Her inside and lay Her down. They continually massaged Her arms and legs, but She showed no signs of reviving, so they all sat wailing at Her side.3As Subunim remained seemingly unconscious in this way for several hours, She suddenly entered into a disorientating yet euphoric state in which She beheld a vision of what appeared at first to be a vast scale descending from heaven.4Gazing closely at the descending scale, She discerned that it was actually a mountainous heap of fruits of five colors. As it descended nearer, the heap suddenly collapsed and the fruit cascaded down upon Her.

5Startled by this, Subunim awoke, to the joy of the people of the household who were still sitting around Her, anguishing.

The Revelation of Dao Lineage and Authority and the Advent of the Harvester

6Subunim sat up and suddenly began speaking in Sangjenim’s voice. “Who are you?” She demanded of Gyeong-seok.

Bewildered, Gyeong-seok answered, “It is I, Gyeong-seok.”

7“What was the year of your birth?”

“I was born in the Year of the White Dragon.”

8“I, too, was born in the Year of the White Dragon,” She declared. “There is a proverb, ‘A business partnered by people of the same age is profitable.’ Let us, two people of the same age, partner in an enterprise.”

9She then asked Gyeong-seok his birthday, and he answered, “It is June 1.”

10“My birthday is March 26,” She declared. “I shall assume the sowing of the seeds; you shall assume the transplanting of the seedlings. There will be another who will undertake the harvest.”

11Henceforth, inspired by Sangjenim’s Holy Spirit, Subunim, as the Subu, attained boundless authority over all spirits, and She exercised this boundless power at will, performing wondrous miracles and displaying luminous wisdom. 12As Taemonim, the Great Mother of Humanity, She opened the pathway of life of Sangjenim’s supreme dao for all of humanity.

13All of this accorded with Sangjenim’s proclamation, “You will one day become the Head of All People, and so You will soon attain enlightenment.”

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도전 원전 (영한대역성구)
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