도전 원전 (영한대역성구)

도전 11편 18장 상제님 성탄치성을 처음으로 봉행하심

상생문화1 | 2024.02.19 01:17 | 조회 826
상제님 성탄치성을 처음으로 봉행하심
1절정미년 동짓달에 상제님께서 경석에게 자옥 도수(自獄度數)를 붙이시고 문밖 출입을 금하시니 생계가 말할 수 없이 궁핍해지거늘
2절신해년 7월에 이르러서는 식량을 구하지 못하여 가족이 10여 일 동안이나 굶어 부황(浮黃)이 나서 일어나지 못하는지라
3절이때 마침 김경학(金京學)이 지나는 길에 들러 그 광경을 보고 크게 놀라 돌아가서 벼 두 섬을 보내거늘 이것으로 위기를 면하니라.
4절8월 어느 날 정읍 부호 박기철(朴基喆)이 경석에게 와서 “생계를 너무 등한히 하지 말라.” 하고 무곡(貿穀)을 권고하며 자금을 융통해 줄 의사를 표하거늘
5절경석이 박기철에게 돈 600원을 빚내어 추곡 무역을 시작하려 하니라.
6절9월 중순에 수부님께서 경수의 집에서 대흥리로 돌아오시어 경석에게 상제님 성탄치성을 올릴 것을 명하시니
7절경석이 장사하려던 자금에서 치성비를 조달하여 제수(祭需)를 마련하고 치성을 준비하니라.
8절이에 수부님께서 19일 새벽에 치성을 봉행하시니 이로부터 상제님 성탄치성이 시작되니라.

The First Observance of Sangjenim’s Incarnation Chiseong

1In November 1907, Sangjenim conferred upon Gyeong-seok the Dosu of Confining Oneself and thus prohibited him from leaving his house, causing his family’s means to decline into unspeakable poverty.2By July 1911, Gyeong-seok was unable to acquire any provisions, and so his family starved for ten days, suffering a bloating of their bodies and jaundiced skin, so sapped of strength that they could not even stand.

3At this time, Gim Gyeong-hak visited Gyeong-seok while on a journey and was appalled by what he witnessed. He returned home immediately and sent two seom of rice to Gyeong-seok, who was then able to overcome his plight.

4One day in August, Bak Gi-cheol, a wealthy man of Jeongeup County, visited Gyeong-seok and said, “Do not be so inattentive to your livelihood.” He encouraged Gyeong-seok to begin a grain-selling business and expressed his desire to finance this enterprise.5Consequently, Gyeong-seok borrowed six hundred won from Bak Gi-cheol and prepared to launch his grain-selling business.

6In mid-September, Subunim returned to Gyeong-seok’s house in Daeheung-ri Village after Her stay at Gyeong-su’s house and commanded Gyeong-seok to prepare for a chiseong commemorating Sangjenim’s incarnation.7Gyeong-seok hence used some of the money intended for his business to purchase implements and food for the offering, then he prepared for the chiseong.

8In the early morning of September 19, Subunim offered the chiseong, inaugurating the annual observances of Sangjenim’s Incarnation Chiseong.

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도전 원전 (영한대역성구)
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