도전 원전 (영한대역성구)

도전 11편 200장 후천선경의 주불(主佛), 미륵불 봉영 공사

상생문화1 | 2024.03.25 00:47 | 조회 447
후천선경의 주불(主佛), 미륵불 봉영 공사
1절이날 태모님께서 또 공사를 행하시니, 어진을 모신 방문 앞에 단(壇)을 설치하여 향촉(香燭)을 밝히시고 치성 음식을 성대히 준비하여 진설케 하시니라.
2절이어 강진용(姜鎭容)의 논 아홉 두락에 ‘금산사 불양답(金山寺佛糧畓)’이라 쓴 푯말을 세우시고
3절고민환에게 가사와 법복을 입히신 뒤에 명하시기를 “단 앞에서 24일간 천수경(千手經)과 칠성경을 송주하라.” 하시니라.
4절이어 말씀하시기를 “이 공사는 석가모니의 운이 이미 갔으니 이제 후천 용화세계의 주불이신 미륵불을 봉영(奉迎)하는 공사니라.” 하시며
5절“天更生 地更生 人更生 彌勒更生” 천갱생 지갱생 인갱생 미륵갱생 이라 삼창(三唱)하신 후에 방에 드시니라.
6절후일에 공사를 마치고 단을 거두어 치우려 할 때 태모님께서 치하하시기를 “미륵불 공양에 수고하였노라.” 하시니라.

A Work of Renewal for Welcoming Maitreya Buddha, the Lord Buddha of the Later Heaven’s Paradise of Immortality

1On this same day, Taemonim conducted another work of renewal in which She had an altar placed outside the room where Sangjenim’s portrait was enshrined and ordered candles and incense lit and a grand food offering arrayed.2Then, in front of Gahng Jin-yong’s nine-plot rice field, Taemonim had a sign erected: “The Field of Rice Offerings for Geumsansa Temple.”3She then had Go Min-hwan don the formal robes of a monk and commanded him, “Chant the Cheonsugyeong Sutra and the Chilseonggyeong Scripture Mantra in front of the altar for twenty-four days.”

4After issuing these instructions, She proclaimed, “This is a work of renewal for welcoming Maitreya, the Lord Buddha of the Later Heaven’s Dragon Flower Paradise, as the destiny of Shakyamuni has already passed.”

5Taemonim then chanted three times:

天更生 地更生 人更生 彌勒更生
천갱생 지갱생 인갱생 미륵갱생

The rebirth of heaven, the rebirth of earth, the rebirth of humanity,
the rebirth of Maitreya.

Afterward, She retired to Her room.

6Days later, when this work of renewal had been completed and the disciples were about to remove the altar, Taemonim praised them, “I commend your toil in holding this offering to Maitreya Buddha.”

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