도전 원전 (영한대역성구)

도전 3편 7장 도문의 식주인 태운 김형렬

상생문화1 | 2023.04.13 00:39 | 조회 5144
  • 도문의 식주인 태운 김형렬
    1절김형렬(金亨烈)의 호(號)는 태운(太雲)이라.
    2절동곡(銅谷)에서 생장(生長)한 후 환평(環坪)에 옮겨 살다가 금구 내주평(金溝 內注坪)으로 이사할 때는 부자였으나
    3절갑오년 동학혁명에 참가하여 청주 전투에서 죽을 목숨을 상제님의 은혜로 구원 받아 귀향한 뒤로 동학과 연줄을 끊고 가업에만 종사하다가
    4절가운이 기울어 가난하게 되매 잠시 용화동(龍華洞)으로 이사하여 사니라.
    5절형렬이 빈곤을 이기지 못하여 내주평을 내왕하면서 농사나 경영할까 하던 중
    6절정유(丁酉 : 道紀 27, 1897)년에 그 마을 정남기(鄭湳綺) 집의 서숙에 가 보니 초립을 쓰신 상제님께서 글을 가르치고 계시거늘
    7절학동들이 부르기를 ‘강 서방’이라 하므로 형렬이 물으니 ‘정씨 집의 취객(娶客)이라.’ 하더라.
    8절서당의 학동들에게 글을 가르쳐 주시고 마을 사람들의 사주(四柱)도 보아 주시니 동네에서는 신인(神人)으로 불리시더라.
    9절그 후 형렬이 사정이 있어 내주평에 가지 못하고 상제님께서도 천하유력을 떠나시어 서로 만나지 못하더니
    10절형렬은 가운이 더욱 기울어 하운동 제비창골에 있는 선산 재실(齋室)인 영사재(永思齋)로 이사하니라.

Gim Hyeong-ryeol: The Host of the Dao Order and of the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth

1Gim Hyeong-ryeol’s honorific name was Tae-un. 2He was born and raised in Guritgol Village and later lived in Hwanpyeong Village. Quite prosperous, he moved to Naejupyeong Village of Geumgu County.

3Hyeong-ryeol participated in the Eastern Learning Revolution of 1894 and would surely have been slain in battle in Cheongju County had Sangjenim not saved him. When he returned home, Hyeong-ryeol severed his ties to Eastern Learning and devoted himself to his family enterprise.4However, his family’s fortunes declined until they were living in poverty, forcing them all to temporarily relocate to Yonghwa-dong Village.

5Unable to escape poverty, Hyeong-ryeol often returned to Naejupyeong Village and considered farming there.6On one such visit to that village in 1897 (DG 27), he chanced to visit the village school located at Jeong Nam-gi’s house. Inside was Sangjenim, wearing a straw hat, who was teaching reading and writing.7The students called him “Teacher Gahng.” When Hyeong-ryeol inquired about this person, he was told merely that Sangjenim was a son-in-law of the Jeong family.8Sangjenim not only taught reading and writing to the students of the village school, he read for the villagers their four pillars of fortune. The villagers called him a divine being.

9Sangjenim and Hyeong-ryeol did not meet at this time, however, for circumstances prevented Hyeong-ryeol from returning to Naejupyeong Village, and Sangjenim subsequently set out on a journey to further experience the world and humanity.

10The fortunes of Hyeong-ryeol’s family declined even further, until he was forced to move his family to the ancestral memorial offering ritual house of his family lineage, located in Jebichanggol Ravine, in Haun-dong Village.

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도전 원전 (영한대역성구)
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