도전 원전 (영한대역성구)

도전 3편 99장 본댁 살림을 파하심

상생문화1 | 2023.04.20 00:39 | 조회 4123
  • 본댁 살림을 파하심
    1절그 길로 객망리 본댁에 가시어 가옥과 고추밭 일곱 뙈기를 파시고 “이사를 하리라.” 하시니 온 동리가 술렁이니라.
    2절이삿날 사람들이 모여들어 짐을 꾸리는데 상제님께서 “각기 마음대로 져 보라.” 하시니 성심을 다하는 사람은 쌀섬, 가마솥, 장독 등 무겁고 중요한 것을 짊어지고
    3절체면치레만 하는 사람은 가볍고 값없는 빗자루, 멍석 따위만 들고 나서니라.
    4절일행이 말둥굴이재에 이르자 상제님께서 “각자 지고 온 짐을 가지고 집으로 돌아가라.” 하시는지라
    5절힘들여 짐을 지고 온 사람들은 좋은 것을 차지하고 꾀를 부린 사람들은 아무 값어치 없는 물건만 가져가게 되니라.
    6절이때 가옥과 전답을 판 돈은 전주에 가시어 걸인들에게 모두 나누어 주시고
    7절이후에 상제님의 가족은 남의 집 협실에서 궁핍하게 지내시니라.
    8절이후로 과연 그 회원들이 제 재산을 탕진하매 상제님께서 말씀하시기를 “저희들이 나를 본받아 제 재물을 쓰고 있나니 살려 줌이 옳으니라.” 하시니라.

    Sangjenim Forsakes All Possessions at His Home in Gaengmang-ri Village

    1Sangjenim immediately went to his home village, Gaengmang-ri, and sold off the family home and seven small fields used for chili pepper farming. He then announced to the village, “We will now move.” At this, the whole village became unsettled.

    2On the day of the relocation, villagers gathered to help pack Sangjenim’s belongings, and he told them, “Carry what your heart guides you to carry.” Those who were sincere and caring bore sacks of rice, a rice kettle, earthenware pots, and other heavy and valuable items.3Conversely, those who had come only for the sake of appearances merely carried brooms, straw mats, and other light and thus less valuable items.

    4When all who were helping with the move reached Maldunggurijae Hill, Sangjenim said to them, “Take whatever you are carrying to your homes.”5Those who had struggled carrying their loads gained valuable items, while those who had sought to be clever found they had only valueless items to bear home.

    6Soon afterward, Sangjenim took the money from selling the family house and fields and went to Jeonju. There, he gave all the money to beggars.7Thereafter, Sangjenim’s family lived indigently in a small rented room in someone’s home.

    8Indeed, after what happened to Sangjenim’s family, all the members of the Jinbo Association exhausted their wealth and possessions. Sangjenim proclaimed, “They are following my example by spending all their wealth, so it is indeed proper that I save them.”

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