도전 원전 (영한대역성구)

도전 3편 98장 진보회가 일어남

상생문화1 | 2023.04.20 00:37 | 조회 4428
  • 진보회가 일어남
    1절동학 신도들이 갑오(甲午 : 道紀 24, 1894)년에 참패를 당한 뒤로 감히 나타나지 못하고 잠잠히 지내더니
    2절일본에 망명해 있던 동학 3세 교주 손병희(孫秉熙)가 ‘일본과 동맹국의 입장에 서는 것이 조선의 근대 개혁과 국제적 지위 획득에 유리하다.’ 생각하고
    3절갑진년에 이용구(李容九)를 조선에 보내어 동학 교도를 수습하여 민회(民會)를 조직하게 하니
    4절이에 응하여 사방에서 동학 신도들이 다시 일어나 그 세력이 날로 커지매 백성들은 갑오년에 본 그들의 난폭한 행동을 떠올리고 두려운 마음을 품더라.
    5절하루는 형렬이 상제님 계신 곳을 찾아갈 때 마침 동학 신도들이 원평에 모여있는지라
    6절상제님을 뵙고 그 일을 고하니 상제님께서 “속히 원평에 가서 그 모임의 취지와 동향을 조사하여 오라.” 하시므로
    7절형렬이 명을 좇아 탐사하여 보니 그 모임의 명칭은 진보회(進步會)요, 목적은 보국안민(輔國安民)이요, 대회 장소는 충남 강경(江景)이라.
    8절곧 돌아와서 아뢰니 말씀하시기를 “저들의 이번 운동에는 각기 제 재산을 쓰게 할 것이요, 갑오년과 같이 백성에게 폐를 끼치지 못하게 하리니
    9절나부터 먼저 망하여 모범을 보이리라.” 하시니라.

    The Rise of the Jinbo Association

    1After the followers of Eastern Learning were crushed in 1894 (DG 24), they dared not reveal themselves and remained quiescent.2Meanwhile, the third-generation head of Eastern Learning, Son Byeong-hui, who was in exile in Japan, concluded that if Joseon positioned itself to achieve an alliance with Japan, this would be advantageous to Joseon’s modernist reforms and international standing.3Hence, in 1904, he dispatched Yi Yong-gu to Joseon to gather the followers of Eastern Learning and organize them into an association.4In response, Eastern Learning adherents everywhere rose up once again, but as their numbers grew, the common folk recalled the violent deeds of the Eastern Learning adherents in 1894 and harbored fear in their hearts.

    5One day as Hyeong-ryeol was journeying to visit Sangjenim, he discovered that Eastern Learning adherents had gathered in Wonpyeong Village.6When Hyeong-ryeol met Sangjenim and informed him of this development, Sangjenim commanded, “Go immediately to Wonpyeong and determine the purpose and thrust of their gathering.”

    7Carrying out this command, Hyeong-ryeol investigated the gathering and learned that their name was the Jinbo Association, their goal was “Uphold the nation and bring comfort to the people,” and their place of general assembly was Ganggyeong Township in Chungcheongnam-do Province.

    8Hyeong-ryeol swiftly returned and related this to Sangjenim, who declared, “I will ensure that they use their own wealth for their current movement. I will prevent them from burdening the people as they did in 1894.9To set an example, I will be the first to lose everything.”

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도전 원전 (영한대역성구)
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