도전 원전 (영한대역성구)

도전 3편 189장 경만(敬萬) 안내성의 입문

상생문화1 | 2023.05.04 00:31 | 조회 4490
  • 경만(敬萬) 안내성의 입문
    1절안내성(安乃成)은 본래 이름이 내선(乃善)으로 경남 함안(咸安) 사람이라.
    2절내성이 대여섯 살이 되어 부친이 글을 가르치려 하는데 공부는 아니하고 밖으로 다니며 씨름이나 주먹질만 일삼거늘
    3절내성의 조부가 이르기를 “저 아이는 글을 가르칠 아이가 아니니 내버려 두라.” 하니
    4절내성의 부친이 감히 거역하지는 못하나 심중이 심히 편치 못하여 어느 날 집을 나가 행방불명이 된지라
    5절내성이 여덟 살 되던 해에 조부가 돌아가시매 아홉 살에 부친을 찾아 집을 떠나 황해도(黃海道), 평안도(平安道) 할 것 없이 전국 방방곡곡을 걸어서 돌아다니니라.
    천하를 건질 분은 조선에서 나오니
    6절그러다가 금강산(金剛山) 어느 절에 들어가 3년 동안 불목하니 노릇을 하며 중들에게 불경을 얻어듣고 하던 차에
    7절하루는 ‘미륵존불이 출세를 해야 세상이 밝아진다.’는 말을 듣고 귀가 번쩍 뜨여 아버지도 찾고 스승도 찾을 겸 다시 길을 떠나
    8절미륵존불을 간절히 염원하며 마음으로 불경을 외우면서 전국을 돌아다니다가 북경(北京)에 도통군자가 있다는 소문을 듣고 천리를 멀다 않고 찾아가니라.
    9절그러나 그 사람이 북경에 있지 않고 남경(南京)에 갔다 하므로 남경까지 찾아가니
    10절이번에는 그곳에서 도로 북경으로 돌아갔다 하매 내성이 다시 북경으로 가서 마침내 그 사람을 만나니라.
    11절이에 그 사람이 말하기를 “천하를 건질 천 선생(天先生)은 조선에서 나오니 공연히 여기서 헤매지 말고 당신 나라로 돌아가라.” 하거늘
    12절내성이 순간 ‘천하를 건질 천 선생님이라면 출세하신 미륵님이 틀림없다.’ 확신하고 뜻밖의 반가운 소식에 기뻐하며 서둘러 조선으로 돌아오니라.

    Ahn Nae-seong’s Journey of Becoming a Disciple

    1Ahn Nae-seong, whose original given name was Nae-seon, was born in Haman County in Gyeongsangnam-do Province.2When he was about six years old, his father sought to teach him to read and write, but Nae-seong spent his time wrestling and fighting with other children rather than studying.

    3His grandfather counseled his father, “Leave the child be. That boy is not meant to learn reading and writing.”4The father could not act against the grandfather’s wishes, but was so disheartened that he one day left the house never to return.

    5When Nae-seong was eight, his grandfather died. The following year, Nae-seong began wandering the country in search of his missing father.

    The One Who Is to Save the World Comes Forth in Joseon

    6During his wanderings, Nae-seong worked as a servant at a temple on Geumgangsan Mountain for three years, and there he learned Buddhist sutras from the monks.7While at the temple, he was inspired by the tidings that the world would become glorious only with the advent of Holy Maitreya Buddha, and so he again took to the road to resume his search for his father and a spiritual teacher.

    8Reciting the sutras in his mind with a sincere yearning for Holy Maitreya Buddha, Nae-seong wandered throughout the country, and after hearing of an enlightened master in Beijing, he journeyed to that city without a thought to the vast distance.9Upon reaching Beijing, however, he learned that the master had moved to Nanjing.10He immediately traveled to Nanjing, but there he discovered that the enlightened one had returned to Beijing. Nae-seong journeyed to Beijing once again and this time finally found the master.

    11The enlightened master said to him, “The Heavenly Teacher destined to deliver the world comes forth in Joseon. Do not needlessly wander in this land—return to your country.”

    12At that moment, Nae-seong developed a firm conviction that the Heavenly Teacher destined to deliver the world would surely be the incarnation of Maitreya, and he quickly journeyed back to Joseon, jubilant over the unexpected revelation he had received from the master.

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도전 원전 (영한대역성구)
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