도전 원전 (영한대역성구)

도전 3편 176장 새울 사는 최창조의 입문

상생문화1 | 2023.04.28 00:36 | 조회 4590
  • 새울 사는 최창조의 입문
    1절태인 새울에 사는 최창조(崔昌祚)는 대농(大農)에 금광을 운영하여 살림이 유족한 부자라.
    2절하루는 창조가 이웃 마을에 사는 김경학이 전심(專心)하여 상제님을 따르는 것을 보고 경학에게 묻기를 “무엇 때문에 그 양반을 그리 따라다니는가?” 하니
    3절경학이 대답하기를 “그분 말씀을 들어보면 앞으로 좋은 세상이 온다는데, 도술이 어찌나 높은지 귀신도 마음대로 부린다네. 그분 조화가 말도 못하네.
    4절그분은 참으로 하느님이신 게 틀림이 없네.” 하며 상제님의 신성하심을 침이 마르도록 말하니
    5절창조가 귀가 솔깃하여 경학에게 청하기를 “나도 그분을 따를 수 있는지 한 번 여쭤 봐 주게나.” 하니라.
    천금도통 최창조
    6절상제님께서는 누가 따르고자 하면 대개 “나를 따르는 거야 제 마음이지, 내가 따르라 마라 하겠느냐.” 하시며 자연스럽게 받아들이시는데
    7절경학이 상제님께 나아가 “저기 새울 사는 최창조가 선생님을 따르고자 하니 받아 주시지요.” 하고 여쭈니
    8절상제님께서 이미 아시고 “창조는 부자가 아니냐? 고폐금(告幣金)을 많이 바치라고 해라.” 하시는지라
    10절상제님께서 다시 이르시기를 “꼭 그렇게 전해라잉. 저 돈 아끼는 거나 내가 도(道) 아끼는 거나 매일반이라고 그래라잉.” 하시거늘
    11절경학이 창조에게 상제님의 말씀을 전하니 그 말이 떨어지기가 무섭게 창조가 이르기를 “일신천금인데 그것도 못 하겠는가?
    12절내 천 냥을 바치고 당장 입도하고말고.” 하며 기꺼이 상제님을 따르겠다고 다짐하니라.
    13절이에 곧바로 인부 열 사람에게 각기 백 냥씩 천 냥을 지우고 경학과 함께 상제님을 찾아뵙고 따르기를 청하니
    14절상제님께서 그 정성에 감탄하시고 무릎을 치시며 “천금도통 최창조(千金道通 崔昌祚)로다!” 하시니라.
    15절이로부터 상제님께서 백암리와 새울을 오가시며 공사를 행하시니라.

    Choe Chang-jo Becomes a Disciple

    1Choe Chang-jo of Saeul Village in Taein County was a wealthy man whose holdings included large-scale farming and gold mining.2Chang-jo noticed that Gim Gyeong-hak of a neighboring village was devoting himself wholly to following Sangjenim, so he one day asked Gyeong-hak, “What compels you to follow your Teacher?”

    3Gyeong-hak answered, “From his words, I have learned that a magnificent world will arise in the future. His dao mastery is so extraordinary that he commands the spirits at will. His power of creation-transformation is simply indescribable.4There can be no doubt that he truly is God.” And Gyeong-hak continued to speak ecstatically about Sangjenim’s divinity.

    5Chang-jo listened with mounting interest and finally requested of Gyeong-hak, “Please ask him if I, too, may become his follower.”

    ‘One Thousand Gold Enlightenment’—Choe Chang-jo

    6Whenever anyone sought to become Sangjenim’s follower, Sangjenim would usually say, “Whether one follows me depends upon their heart. Should I tell them whether or not to follow me?” And he would welcome them as his follower.

    7Gyeong-hak approached Sangjenim. “Choe Chang-jo of Saeul Village desires to become your disciple. Please allow him to follow you.”

    8Sangjenim had already known what Gyeong-hak would ask of him, and he replied, “Is Chang-jo not rich? Bid him submit a prodigious offering of wealth.”

    9“How much should I ask him to offer?”

    “They say one’s self is worth one thousand gold, so tell him to present an offering of one thousand nyang.”10Sangjenim added, “Convey my words exactly. Tell him that just as money is precious to him, my dao is precious to me.”

    11Gyeong-hak returned to Chang-jo bearing Sangjenim’s message. As soon as Gyeong-hak had finished speaking, Chang-jo said, “One’s self is indeed worth one thousand gold, so how could I refuse what is asked of me? 12I will immediately offer one thousand nyang and initiate into the teachings.” Chang-jo pledged that he would readily follow Sangjenim.

    13Chang-jo immediately arranged for ten laborers to bear his offering, each of them lugging one hundred nyang on their back, and set out with Gyeong-hak. Upon meeting Sangjenim, Chang-jo requested to follow him.

    14Moved by Chang-jo’s sincerity, Sangjenim slapped his knee and declared, “‘One Thousand Gold Enlightenment’—Choe Chang-jo!”

    15Thereafter, Sangjenim traveled to and fro between Baegam-ri Village and Saeul Village, conducting works of renewal.

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