도전 원전 (영한대역성구)

도전 3편 202장 문공신의 구도 과정

상생문화1 | 2023.05.09 00:33 | 조회 4152
  • 문공신의 구도 과정
    1절문공신(文公信)은 태인 강삼리(江三里)에서 태어나 장가들고 나서는 고부 와룡리(臥龍里)로 이거한 사람이라.
    2절공신의 집은 와룡리 일대의 땅을 모두 가진 부호인지라 가사에 근심 없이 일찍부터 도(道)를 구하니라.
    3절16세 되는 갑오동학혁명 때는 중형(仲兄) 선명(善明)을 따라 황토현(黃土峴) 전투에 참가하였고
    4절동학혁명이 실패로 끝나자 조용히 칩거하다가 한때 천주교에 입교하여 세례를 받기도 하니라.
    5절그 후 다시 동학을 열렬히 신봉하여 동학도들이 갑진년에 강경에서 큰 집회를 열 때 논 열세 마지기를 성금으로 내놓을 정도로 신심이 도탑더니 흥덕, 부안 두 고을의 일진회 회장을 지내기도 하니라.
    6절그 후 동학 운동에 회의를 품고 지내다가 하루는 생각하기를 ‘이것이 모두 내가 찾는 길이 아닌 듯하니 어디를 가야 참된 길을 찾나?’ 하는 마음이 간절해지니라.
    계시 받은 문공신, 향남방하라
    7절하루는 태인 관왕묘에 가서 ‘참 선생님을 만나게 해 주십시오.’ 하고 지성으로 기도를 올리거늘
    8절닷새째 되는 날까지는 잡귀만 나타날 뿐이더니
    9절엿새째에 이르러 비로소 잡귀가 사라지고 관운장(關雲長)이 나타나 “향남방(向南方)하라.” 하고 사라지니라.

    Mun Gong-sin’s Journey of Seeking Dao

    1Mun Gong-sin was born in Gangsam-ri Village of Taein County, but moved to Waryong-ri Village of Gobu County after his marriage.

    2Gong-sin’s family was wealthy, owning vast tracts of land in Waryong-ri Village, so he had no need to worry about a livelihood and instead devoted himself from youth to seeking dao.3At age sixteen, during the Eastern Learning Revolution of 1894, he joined his second oldest brother, Seon-myeong, in the Battle of Hwangtohyeon Hill.4After the Eastern Learning Revolution ended in failure, Gong-sin quietly secluded himself at his house for a period, then eventually joined the Catholic Church and received baptism.5Afterward, he returned to ardently believing in and practicing Eastern Learning, so much so that when Eastern Learning adherents held a major assembly in Ganggyeong Township in 1904, he sold thirteen plots of his rice field and presented the money as offering. He also served as the president of the Iljin Association for Heungdeok and Buan counties.6However, he eventually began to harbor doubts about the Eastern Learning movement, and he one day thought, “None of these paths are what I seek, so where can I go to find the true path?” Full of ardent devotion, Gong-sin began searching for a true teacher.

    Mun Gong-sin Receives a Revelation to Go South

    7One day, Gong-sin went before the Shrine of General Guan Yu in Taein County and fervently prayed for days on end, pleading, “Allow me to meet a true teacher.”8He received no sign for the first five days, save for visitations by demons.9But the demons finally vanished on the sixth day, and the spirit of General Guan Yu appeared to Gong-sin and commanded, “Go south.” The spirit then vanished.

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