도전 원전 (영한대역성구)

도전 4편 16장 영원한 화평의 바탕, 해원

상생문화1 | 2023.06.05 00:30 | 조회 4065
  • 영원한 화평의 바탕, 해원
    1절이제 예로부터 쌓여 온 원(寃)을 풀어 그로부터 생긴 모든 불상사를 소멸하여야 영원한 화평을 이루리로다.
    2절선천에는 상극의 이치가 인간 사물을 맡았으므로 모든 인사가 도의(道義)에 어그러져서
    3절원한이 맺히고 쌓여 삼계에 넘치매 마침내 살기(殺氣)가 터져 나와 세상에 모든 참혹한 재앙을 일으키나니
    4절그러므로 이제 천지도수(天地度數)를 뜯어고치고
    5절신도(神道)를 바로잡아 만고의 원을 풀며
    6절상생의 도(道)로써 선경의 운수를 열고
    7절조화정부를 세워 함이 없는 다스림과 말 없는 가르침으로 백성을 교화하여 세상을 고치리라.

The Resolution of Bitterness and Grief: The Basis of Everlasting Peace

1“Only when all the bitterness that has accumulated since ancient times is resolved and all the tragedies resulting from it are expunged will everlasting peace be attained.2Throughout the Early Heaven, the principle of mutual conflict and domination has governed all humanity and all existence, and thus all human affairs have transgressed against righteousness, causing bitterness and grief.3This untold accumulation of bitterness and grief has overflowed the three realms, and the deadly qi is now bursting forth, spawning horrific disasters across the world.

4“Therefore, I will now disassemble and reconstruct the dosu of heaven and earth5and rectify the way of spirits to resolve all the bitterness that has accumulated throughout history,6wield the dao of mutual life-bettering and life-saving to usher in the destiny of the Paradise of Immortality,7and establish the Government of Creation-Transformation to rule without action and teach without words in order to edify all people. By these means, I will rebuild the world.”

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도전 원전 (영한대역성구)
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